May 08, 2005

Happy Mothers Day

To all you moms, moms-to-be, and grandmas. To those of you trying desparately to be a mom, I give you some (((Hugs)))

This is the first Mother's day without my grandma Bonnie. I feel for my mom and her siblings. I'm a little frustrated when my own mom though. She's back in Yosemite, having purchased one-way ticket for a job she may or may not get. Thank God she did get the job though. However, she's having to room in a hotel until the job starts on May 15th. This means that my already depressed, anxious, stressed, broke, sad (the list goes on) mom has to try and survive until then. Last time she did something like this, I had to call a clerk at a YNP grocery store to purchase her a gift card for food, and an amtrack ticket here. Long story.

She called me Saturday night, and I could tell she had been drinking. We're in the middle of a movie so I told her I'd call back. She never answered. I kept calling and calling, the poor desk clerk. He even knocked on her door two different times! I finally told him I was a bit concerned as she sounded stressed, and he agreed from his own observation. I knew she had been drinking, and knowing my mom, I knew chances are she probably had taken either a sleeping pill with the wine or an anti-depressent. Finally I just reminded myelf I can't worry and fret but just give it over to God in prayer.

My posse knows what I mean when I told myself, "dork fret it" and went on with the night.

The last thing I wanted to invision is her doing something stupid. Most likely an over dose would be accidental, but gosh, is that what I should be wondering on the eve of Mothers day? She's 51 and I'm 31. I wonder if I'll ever feel like I'm more the daughter then surrogate mom.

After a great church service, we got family portrats taken, and enjoyed a great meal the social committee prepared.

We had:

  • Ham and/or roast beef
  • Buttered potatos
  • Green bean casserole
  • Corn
  • Pasta salad
  • Rolls
  • Relish tray
  • Punch & coffee

Then my favorite of all, angel food cake with strawberries and cool whip.

Then we tried to guess which moms belonged to the baby pictures on the screen, followed by a hilarious skit put on by the youth pastor & the intern pastor. It was actually very nice, expecially not to have to worry about lunch. I'm glad our church is finally moving more towards a community feel.

I then called my mom, told her how mad I was that she calls like that, and then never answers, and what I was thinking. She admitted she had drank and took some sleeping pills. Ugh. As a kid I always used to worry that one day when I went into her room she'd be dead. After lecturing her, I wished her a Happy Mothers day. Anyways....

Oh, and the bestest part? My homemade card from J, S, M & lil' J. Lil' J's class made these cute night light things. At least I guess that's what they are. S recycled two gifts she gave me last month & some cute coupons, (is she a re-gifter in the making?) and M made me a clay flower with a poem.

I love being a mom. 99.9 1/2% of the time. Ok, more then that, but there are those days.