January 12, 2005

Girl Scouts Cause Headaches

So, tonight is my turn to come and help with S's troop. (5th graders) I used to come like every meeting but after getting a migraine once a month, coincidentally on the same Wednesdsay of the month, I got a clue and decided I'm allergic to GS meetings. My hats go off to the leaders (and my medicine cabinet is open) because listening to those girls gossip, cry, shout, sream, laugh, sing, and squeal, for 2 hrs is enough to make you want to gouge your own ears out. Seriously! One year, I helped out at daycamp, and oh my gosh, the bus ride. It was like nothing you have ever seen and ever want to again. Imagine, 10 different troops of girls, ages 7 to 16, on a 1 hr bus ride , each troop being about 20 girls. I am not easily phased, however, I was checking out the escape route in case I felt the need to dive out of the bus for sanity's sake. Then there's the cat fights, and arguments. The divas going at each other, while the hyper ones (my dd included) run all over bouncing into the walls, flinging things at each other. They have been in school for 6+ hrs, so they are more bonkers then normal.

Tonight is my turn to bring a snack.. Wheeeeeeeeee joy for me. I love being a mom, and this stuff is just a drop in the bucket, but it ain't always fun. Can I give them some sleepy herbs in brownies? Is that illegal?

If you never hear from me again, you will know I didn't survive. XOXO