June 10, 2005

Foto Friday

Originally uploaded by Melissa in Butterfly Bliss.

When bad shorts happen to good people.

This is where acid wash shorts belong.

The bonfire was in my grandma's back yard during our memorial day visit. Everything in me was screaming, "take those shorts off now and let me burn them!!!" As everyone sat licking their cones, I had the disturbing thought, that if I just panced her real quick I could fling them into the fire at about 3.5 seconds. Yes, I still have my naughty side.

Explaining my actions to my cousin and her son (boy in white), would take much longer though. Getting my grandma to stop laughing would be near to impossible. But fashion justice would have been served.

If you think I'm just being mean, and they can't be that bad..think again.

This is an actual picture of the shorts my cousin wore. To see a larger view, to appreciate the true heinousness, (and possibly go blind) login in to flickr, click on view sizes & selet largest and you'll see what I mean.
Ice cream in hickville

Yes, this woman, my sweet dear cousin, (if you ever read this, please forgive me), not only owns a pair of acid wash jeans in year 2005, but she WORE them in public.

If that wasn't a violation enough, they actually have hole(s). Not one, not two, but many holes on both sides. Is my holy-roller-born-again-spirit-filled-pentecostal-recovering-chrisitian cousin secretly an exibitionist?

Look closely, yes those are black flats, with a pointed tip. Oh yeah, it's that bad.

When I made a comment about this unholy ensemble, she tried to justify them & laugh them off. My girls didn't buy it as you will see below.

Look at the expressions on my girls faces.

She's wearing those shorts?

I think that says it all, don't you?

(Those shorts got away, for now, but all was not lost. My kiddos sure looked cute & the ice cream was good)